
Color bars in many directions

Extend color bars in more directions to see what we can make:

Loop two variables, x and y:


# color4, use number m block() function
def color4(x,y,z,d,m):
    for i in [x-d, x+d]:
        for j in [y-d, y+d]:
            block(i, j, z, m)

    if d<5:
        game.set_timer(1, color4, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

color4(0, 10, -20, 0, 50)


Add the middle point in the location list: [x-d, x, x+d]

# color8
def color8(x, y, z, d, m):
    for i in [x-d, x, x+d]:
        for j in [y-d, y, y+d]:
            block(i, j, z, m)

    if d<5:
        game.set_timer(1, color8, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

color8(15, 10, -20, 0, 50)

Can you figure out why the center block color is different in color4 and color8?

Star 360

We are ready to make a growing star, see the video:

Surprisingly the code looks quite simple, just loop through x,y,z to build in all directions.


# Star
def star(x, y, z, d, m):
    for i in [x-d, x, x+d]:
        for j in [y-d, y, y+d]:
            for k in [z-d, z, z+d]:
                block(i, j, k, m)

    if d < 10:
        game.set_timer(1, star, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

star(30, 30, -20, 0, 50)

((??which one put here, video or this pic??))

(??? Note: if star disappear after it grows, then we can do Fire Works! I'm thinking use 'air' big box to wipe it away)

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