
Overriding parent class methods is very useful. But we don't always discard a parent method and override it with a totally new child method. Most of the time, we'll call a parent method into a child method to make use of it, and override some aspects of the parent method or add on certain functionality on top of it.

super() function is for this purpose. This built-in Python function allows us to utilize parent class methods even when overriding certain aspects of those methods in our child classes.

It will look like the following:

class MyParentClass():
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class SubClass(MyParentClass):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        super().__init__(x, y) 
        # more stuff of its own

See example: Person and Student

class Person:
    def __init__(self, first, last):
        self.firstname = first
        self.lastname = last

    def name(self):
        print(self.firstname, self.lastname)

class Student(Person):
    def __init__(self, first, last, id):
        super().__init__(first, last)
        self.studentid = id

    def getStudent(self):
        print("Student ID: " , self.studentid)

Person is the parent class, it defines a __init__() and name(). A Person object could be:

p = Person('Buzz', 'Coder')
print(p.firstname)    # Buzz          # Buzz Coder

Student is a sub class of Person, it's __init__() overrides the parents':

First, we called __init__ method of the parent class Person(from the Student class) using code:

super().__init__(first, last)

We do not need to specify the name of the parent class if we use super(), please note that we used super() without arguments.

Next, we add another instance variable of it's own: studentid.

See a Student object:

s = Student('Elsa', 'King', 1788)

print(s.firstname)     # Elsa
print(s.studentid)     # 1788          # Elsa King

s.getStudent()     # Elsa King
                   # Student ID: 1788

You can see that s as a Student object, it has instance variables defined in __init__: firstname, lastname are defined with calling the parent __init__, it also has it's own variable studentid.

s has method name() that's inherited from the parent class.

Look at Student class, it also defines a method getStudent(), which call in a parent method name() using code


after that it prints out a message about student ID.

So we can see a call on it :


The console result is:

Elsa King
Student ID: 1788



More Exercise:

Pet and _Cat classes

# Pet
class Pet:
    def __init__ (self, name, type): = name
        self.type = type 

    def __str__ (self):
        return "%s is a %s." % (, self.type)

# create a Pet object
pet = ('Sniffy', 'hamster')
print(pet)      # Sniffy is a hamster.

Next, we are going to define a child class Cat, it's extended from Pet.

Cat has __init__ that defines 3 instance variables: name, type from the parent, type has fixed value 'cat' , and another variable color of it's own.

Cat overrides parent method __str__, it calls the parent __str__, and will print out more message: It's color is (color).

# Cat is a child class, Pet is the parent class

class Cat( Pet ):       
    def __init__ (self, name, color):
        super().__init__(name, 'cat')
        self.color = color

    def __str__(self):
        return super().__str__() + " It's color is %s." % (self.color)

# make a `Cat` object
sassy = Cat('Sassy', 'yellow')

print(sassy)       # Sassy is a cat. It's color is yellow.

??? super().__str__() did not work??


We have overridden the init() method in the Trout child class, providing a different implementation of the init() that is already defined by its parent class Fish. Within the init() method of our Trout class we have explicitly invoked the init() method of the Fish class.

We could have used super instead. super().init(first, last) is automatically replaced by a call to the superclasses method, in this case init:

    def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum):
        super().__init__(first, last)
        self.staffnumber = staffnum

Please note that we used super() without arguments.

Pet and Cat classes

See another inheritance example for better understanding: Pet and Cat classes.

Pet class is the parent class, it has 4 fields: name, color, type, and age.

Cat is a child class that derived from Pet class, inherit the 4 fields from Pet, but they both have some new feature of their own.

So Cat and Kitten are all Pets. They all inherit the 4 fields from Pet, but they both have some new feature of their own.

class Pet:
    def __init__ (self, n=' ', c=' ', t=' ', a=0): = n
        self.color = c
        self.type = t 
        self.age = a

    def setName (self, n ): = n
    def getName (self):
    def setColor (self, c ):
        self.color = c
    def getColor (self):
        return self.age
    def setType (self, t ):
        self.type = t
    def getType (self):
        return self.type
    def setAge (self, a)
        self.age = a
    def getAge (self):
        return  "{0} years".format(self.age) 

    def __str__ (self):
        return "{0} is a {1} {2} aged {3} years.".format (, self.color, self.type, self.age)

# Cat is a child class, Pet is the parent class

class Cat( Pet ):       
    def __init__ (self, n=' ', c=' ', a=0): = n
        self.color = c
        self.type = 'cat'
        self.age = a

     def setType (self, t)
        print ('{0} refuses to change type, it will always be a {1} in this life.'. format (, self.type) )

     def setAge(self, a):
         if 1<= a <30:
             self.age = a
             print("That's not a fit number for a cat's age.")

Pet class has four things common to all pets: name, color, type and age. The code also has setters and getters (accessors). At the end the __str__( ) method can print a simple message about this pet’s name, age, type and color.

Cat is subclass of Pet.

Cat class constructor accepts only name, color and age, it’s type is fixed to be 'cat'. The new constructor overrides the Pet constructor.

Cat also overrides the setter setType( ). If someone tries to change the Cat type, he will not be able to change it, instead he will get a message “…refuses to change type, it will always be a cat in this life!”.

'Cat' also overrides setAge() method, it puts a limit on the age to be 1<age<30 (in years).


When we use the super() function, we are calling a parent method into a child method to make use of it. For example, we may want to override one aspect of the parent method with certain functionality, but then call the rest of the original parent method to finish the method.

The built-in Python function super() allows us to utilize parent class methods even when overriding certain aspects of those methods in our child classes.

The init method of our Employee class explicitly invokes the initmethod of the Person class. We could have used super instead. super().init(first, last) is automatically replaced by a call to the superclasses method, in this case init:

    def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum):
        super().__init__(first, last)
        self.staffnumber = staffnum

Please note that we used super() without arguments.

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