Fun Things come slow

Draw square

draw a square slowly(one block a second), 1010(wh), start at (0,1,-20) go up, right, down, left.

# draw square

for j in range(1, 11):
    game.set_timer(j, block, 0, j, -20, 'linen_blue')
    game.set_timer(18+j, block, 9, 11-j, -20, 'linen_blue')
for i in range(1, 9):
    game.set_timer(10+i, block, i, 10, -20, 'linen_blue')
    game.set_timer(28+i, block, 9-i, 1, -20, 'linen_blue')

Arrow sign

Light up 3 yellow arrow signs, then switch to red color

# arrow
def arrow(x,y,z, m):
    for i in range(5):
        block(x+i, y+i, z, m)
        block(x+i, 8+y-i, z, m)

# green arrow 
arrow(1, 10, -20, 66)       

# Light up 3 yellow arrows one by one, then switch to red

for i in range(3):
    game.set_timer(i, arrow, 4*i, 10, -20, 'linen_yellow')
    game.set_timer(i+5, arrow, 4*i, 10, -20, 'linen_red')

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