Review Callback Function in CodeCraft

Use callback functions in CodeCraft

First, let's define some functions that can be used as callbacks:

# callback functions
def put_brick(point):
    block(point, 'brick')

def put_red(p): 
    block(p, 'linen_red')

def put_blue(p):
    block(p, 'linen_blue')
# action(p, callback), p is a point in CodeCraft
def action(p, callback):

# call action() on some points:
p1 = Position(10, 10, -10)  
p2 = Position(12, 12, -20)

action(p1, put_brick)
action(p2, put_red)
action(Position(3,3, -10), put_blue)

action(p, callback) shows the usage of callback function in CodeCraft. In action(), parameter p is a Position object, it's intended for callback to use as input. Some functions can be used for callbacks: put_brick(), put_red(), put_blue().

We invoke action() three times: the first time with point p1 and put_brick as a callback; The third time with a Position() object directly and put_blue as callback.

Below are some other functions that can be used as callback for action():

def put_column(p):

def put_wall(p):

def put_cube(p):

After you try these callback functions with action(), comment out all the lines of function call to action(). Put this aside, we'll move on to `Mouse Click Events' in the game.

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