Color Flats & Butterfly

Growing Flats

Similar to growing bars, we can make a growing flat:

grow_flat, one color

# grow_flat, black
def grow_flat(x, y, z, d):
    for i in range(-d, d+1):
        for j in range(-d, d+1):
            block((x+i),(y+j),z, 1)        # box_black

    if d < 5:
        game.set_timer(1, grow_flat, x, y, z, d+1)

grow_flat(0, 10, -30, 0)

This is fixed color(black) square that keeps growing in size.

grow_flat2, changing color

Add the flexibility of material number m, we have a color changing square that grow bigger, each square is single color.

# grow_flat2, color starts at black ends with green
def grow_flat2(x,y,z,d, m):
    for i in range(-d, d+1):
        for j in range(-d, d+1):
            block((x+i), (y+j), z, m)        

    if d < 5:
        game.set_timer(1, grow_flat2, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

grow_flat2(20, 10, -30, 0, 1)

Run them and check out the video.


Manipulate the variables, let's have some fun:

# butterfly
def butterfly(x,y,z,d,m):
    for j in range(-d, d+1):
        block(x-d, y+j, z, m)
        block(x+d, y+j, z, m)

    if d < 10:
        game.set_timer(1, butterfly, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

butterfly(-25, 10, -40, 0, 48)

# butterfly2
def butterfly2(x,y,z,d,m):
    for i in range(-d, d+1):
        block(x+i, y+d, z, m)
        block(x+i, y-d, z, m)

    if d < 10:
        game.set_timer(1, butterfly2, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

butterfly2(-25, 40, -40, 0, 48)

See a still picture.

====end here


Fit two butterflies together, we get a color quilt on top of the black flat:

# quilt, color square
def quilt(x, y, z, d, m):
    for i in range(-d, d+1):
        block(x+i, y+d, z, m)
        block(x+i, y-d, z, m)
    for j in range(-d, d+1):
        block(x-d, y+j, z, m)
        block(x+d, y+j, z, m)

    if d < 10:
        game.set_timer(1, quilt, x, y, z, d+1, m+1)

quilt(0, 40, -40, 0, 48)

quilt evolution

Remember how quilt is generated? Each second a larger frame is made outside the previous one. So in the timer, if I increase z value, the new frame will use the updated z after each time delay. Then all the different colored frames won't be in one x-y plane anymore, they will seperate along z-axis, let's check it out:

frames along z

# frames along z (increase z in timer)
# framesZ
def framesZ(x,y,z,size,m):

    for i in range(-size,size+1):
    for j in range(-size,size+1):

    if size<10:


# frames along x (increase x in timer) 
# framesX

def framesX(x,y,z,size,m):

    for i in range(-size,size+1):
    for j in range(-size,size+1):

    if size<10:


Split Quilt

Thoughtfully manipulate arguments, loops and recursion, we can produce amazing structures in CodeCraft.

Also based on quilt(), there are 4 lines of game.set_block() under for loops. We change z to be z+i or z+j one by one, so we can see how these argument values affect the structure.

def split_quilt1(x,y,z,size,m):

    for i in range(-size,size+1):
        game.set_block(Position((x+i),(y+size),z+i),m)      # updated z

    for j in range(-size,size+1):

    if size<10:


We can replace z in each line one by one, to check how this argument affect the shape of the structure. Here is the final split_quilt():

# split_quilt
def split_quilt1(x,y,z,size,m):

    for i in range(-size,size+1):
        game.set_block(Position((x+i),(y+size),z+i),m)      # updated z

        game.set_block(Position((x+i),(y-size), z+i),m)
    for j in range(-size,size+1):
        game.set_block(Position((x-size),(y+j), z+j),m)
        game.set_block(Position((x+size),(y+j), z+j),m)

    if size<10:

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