
Next class is Seed, as it explains itself: "I'm a (brown) seed, you can plant more, let the seed grow into a seedling."

class Seed:
  def __init__(self, x, z):
    self.x = x
    self.z = z

  def plant(self):
    block(self.x, 1, self.z, 'box_brown')

  def plantMore(self):
    self.x += 5

  def grow(self):
    for j in range(5):
      game.set_timer(j/2, block, self.x, j, self.z, 'box_green')
      game.set_timer(3.5, block, self.x-1, 5, self.z, 'box_lime')
      game.set_timer(4, block, self.x+1, 5, self.z, 'box_lime')          

  def __str__ (self):
        return "I'm a little seed, you can plant more, and let them grow."
# apply Seed class:

s = Seed(-5, -20)

for i in range(3):

r = Seed(0, -15)
for i in range(5):

print(s)       # I'm a little seed, you can plant more, and let them grow.

s is a Seed object, we let it grow(), we plant 3 more seeds and let them grow; (calling plantMore() and grow() in a for loop)

Another object r is put at the front row, it didn't grow(), other 5 seeds grow big.

Seeds class defines a __str__() method, so we can call print() on one object s to show an message about them.

Here is the final result picture, if you run the program yourself, you should see them in motion.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""