(( simple overriding, just another init or same name method

next class super(), about use parent init plus it's own,, use parent method and add more to it))

Overriding methods

A child class can also override data members and methods from the parent.

Let's continue with the example in previous lesson, make another child class of the parent class FarmAnimal, name it Cow

A copy of the FarmAnimal class:

class FarmAnimal:
    def __init__(self, type, legNumber):
        self.type = type
        self.legNumber = legNumber

    def live(self):
        print("%s lives on the farm." % (self.type))      

    def describe(self):
       print( "%s has %d legs." %(self.type, self.legNumber) )
# continue with `FarmAnimal` class

class Cow(FarmAnimal):
    def __init__(self, color)
        self.type = 'Cow'
        self.legNumber = 4
        self.color = color

    def describe(self):
        print("%s has %d legs, the color is %s." % (self.type, self.legNumber, self.color))

    def makeSound(self):
        print("Moo! Moo! Moo!")

# Use the class
cow = Cow(black)      #  (invoke the __init__() in Cow)

print(cow.legNumber)    # 4 (child class constructor sets the fixed value)

cow.describe()    # Cow has 4 legs, the color is black.

cow.live()        # Cow lives on the farm.

cow2.makeSound()   # Moo! Moo! Moo!  (method of it's own)

From the above example, you can see, the initialization method in child class Cow overrides the __init__() in parent class FarmAnimal, so when a new instance of Cow is created, we use Cow(black) with only one argument black for color, no values for type, legNumber are necessary.

cow as an instance of Cow class, has it's initial state values type Cow, legNumber 4 from the child class; it also has one more instance variable color;

Cow also overrides the method describe(), which prints out a message with more information about color than the parent describe();

Cow inherits method live() from the parent class;

Cow defines it's own method makeSound() to print out message of a cow's sound "Moo! Moo! Moo!"

===end here

Pet and Cat classes

See another inheritance example for better understanding: Pet and Cat classes.

Pet class is the parent class, it has 4 fields: name, color, type, and age.

Cat is a child class that derived from Pet class, inherit the 4 fields from Pet, but they both have some new feature of their own.

So Cat and Kitten are all Pets. They all inherit the 4 fields from Pet, but they both have some new feature of their own.

class Pet:
    def __init__ (self, n=' ', c=' ', t=' ', a=0):
        self.name = n
        self.color = c
        self.type = t 
        self.age = a

    def setName (self, n ):
        self.name = n
    def getName (self):
        return self.name
    def setColor (self, c ):
        self.color = c
    def getColor (self):
        return self.age
    def setType (self, t ):
        self.type = t
    def getType (self):
        return self.type
    def setAge (self, a)
        self.age = a
    def getAge (self):
        return  "{0} years".format(self.age) 

    def __str__ (self):
        return "{0} is a {1} {2} aged {3} years.".format (self.name, self.color, self.type, self.age)

# Cat is a child class, Pet is the parent class

class Cat( Pet ):       
    def __init__ (self, n=' ', c=' ', a=0):
        self.name = n
        self.color = c
        self.type = 'cat'
        self.age = a

     def setType (self, t)
        print ('{0} refuses to change type, it will always be a {1} in this life.'. format (self.name, self.type) )

     def setAge(self, a):
         if 1<= a <30:
             self.age = a
             print("That's not a fit number for a cat's age.")

Pet class has four things common to all pets: name, color, type and age. The code also has setters and getters (accessors). At the end the __str__( ) method can print a simple message about this pet’s name, age, type and color.

Cat is subclass of Pet.

Cat class constructor accepts only name, color and age, it’s type is fixed to be 'cat'. The new constructor overrides the Pet constructor.

Cat also overrides the setter setType( ). If someone tries to change the Cat type, he will not be able to change it, instead he will get a message “…refuses to change type, it will always be a cat in this life!”.

'Cat' also overrides setAge() method, it puts a limit on the age to be 1<age<30 (in years).

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