Simple class: CopyDot

The class CopyDot has three data attributes: x, y, z, they are initialized when an object is created.

It's object has the method mark() is to mark the original dot's location with a black block,

the object also has a method copy(step, color), so a copy of the dot will show at step blocks away in a specific color.

class CopyDot:

  def __init__(self, x, y, z):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.z = z 

  def mark(self):
    block(self.x, self.y, self.z, 'box_black')

  def copy(self, step, color):
    block((self.x + step), self.y, self.z, color)

dot1 = CopyDot(0, 6, -20)       // a CopyDot object
dot1.copy(4, 'box_red')
dot1.copy(6, 'box_pink')

dot2 = CopyDot(-2, 3, -20)      // another CopyDot object
dot2.copy(2, 'box_yellow')
dot2.copy(-3, 'box_blue')      // a copy at the left side

Challenge yourself to make another class, which objects can make copies of the center dot at different directions(x, y, z).


Objective: calling methods within the class, use self.method.

Let's try another version of the class, CopyDot2, so to understand calling method within the class(using self.method)

class CopyDot2:

  def __init__(self, x, y, z):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.z = z 

  def mark(self, color):
    block(self.x, self.y, self.z, color)

  def copy(self, step, color):
    self.x += step

d3 = CopyDot2(0, 10, -20)
d3.copy(3, 'box_lime')
d3.copy(1, 'box_yellow')


method mark(color) receives an input parameter color;

method mark(color) is called in __init__(), using self.mark(color), so when created and initialized, an object shows itself in CodeCraft world as a black dot;

in method copy(step, color), the object variable x is updated using self.x += step, so the newly build dot will show up at step blocks away from the previous dot;

mark(color) is called again to display new dot;

((is it hard to understand call self.mark() in init()??


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