Player Position

Sometimes I like to view a structure from the sky. Due to the gravity in CodeCraft world, a player cannot stay still in the air to take a screenshot. To solve that problem, we can build a floating platform for the player to stand on.

Let's introduce two more methods in CodeCraft: getter and setter of the player's current position.

The getter: game.get_player_position() returns player's position as a Position object that contains the coordinates x, y and z.

The setter: game.set_player_position(pos) moves player to location indicated by pos which is also a Position object.

# call the getter to show the player's position
p = game.get_player_position()
print(p)          # (x:10.3, y:1.5, z:-5)

# call the setter to relocate the player
game.set_player_position(Position(0, 1, -10))

# call the getter again to see the player's position changed
print(game.get_player_position())    # (x:0, y:1, z:-10)

Run the above example. You will be teleported to the new location immediately.

A floating platform

Steps to build a platform in the air above the player's ground location:

  1. Find out the ground location of the player Position(x, y, z)
  2. Build a floating platform at (x, y + 10, z)
  3. Let the player's position at (x, y + 11, z)

Note that player's current coordinates can be floating-point numbers (decimals, when you're standing between blocks), but blocks can only be built at integer coordinates. We are going to use int() for the conversion.

# Step 1, get player position
p = game.get_player_position()

# Step 2, build a platform above player's head in the sky
flat_xz(int(p.x) - 2, 10, int(p.z) - 2, 5, 5, 'brick')

# Step 3, set the player position
game.set_player_position(Position(p.x, 11, p.z))

Step 1 gets the player's position p as a Position object.

In step 2, p.x tells the computer to access the x variable of the Position object p using the dot notation.

Step 3 creates a new Position object right on top of the platform and move the player there.

Now you can see the block array from the sky:

Here is the house viewed from a high angle:

Wait, we didn't learn to build a house yet, and what's that huge red ball? We'll get there soon!

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