Application in CodeCraft

A list of all red materials

In this example we use a list to store all materials that are red, then build a column with those materials.

# Red blocks

red_blocks = ['box_red', 'linen_red', 'redstone'];

def block_m(x, y, z, m):
    game.set_block(Position(x, y, z), materials[m])

for i in range(len(red_blocks)):
    block_m(0, i + 1, -10, red_blocks[i])

List of lists

An element in a list can itself be a list. In this example, we created a list called blocks that stores lists containing the coordinates and materials of various blocks in this format: [x, y, z, m]

blocks = [[2, 4, -9, 56], [2, 2, -9, 56], [3, 3, -10, 59], [4, 2, -9, 56], [4, 4, -9, 56]] 

for b in blocks:
    block_m(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])

See the picture below. We built 4 red blocks and a yellow block in the middle. Their location and material values [x, y, z, m] are stored in blocks as five number lists. Variable b in the for loop represents each list within blocks.

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