
Let's start with a very simple gate structure, then figure out how to build a door.

18-01, Function doorFrame()

First, define a function doorFrame(x,z,m) that can build a basic door frame with height 10 and width 5. Call the function to build a few door frames:

18-02, Build a glass door on a wall

Next, build a door with 'glass' panel or a 'mosaic_metal' panel on a big stone wall.

A Door that we can go through

In previous chapters we have learned how to add 'air' block to materials dictionary. With 'air' material you can build a door and walk through it.

A few examples:

18-03, Function door(x,z,m)

In case you haven't noticed, the red door in the above image has a thicker frame. Define a function to build such a door.

Note: you can find reference code at the end of this chapter.

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