Bigger Tree

A real tree is likely to have more leaves. So let's make a function tree(x, z, h, w), where the (x, z) is the ground location, h is the height, and w is width of tree head on one side.

def tree(x, z, h, w):
    # w is width of tree head on one side
    column(x, z, h, 'log_big_oak')

    for i in range(x-w, x+w+1):   
        for k in range(z-w, z+w+1):
            Y_tree_line(i, (int(h/2)+2), k, int(h/2), 'leaves_oak')

tree(40, -10, 15, 3)

A new tree at the right:

Colorful trees

Can you modify the code to use a different material for leaves? Here are a few examples:

We have some trees, are you ready for a forest?

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