
We are now ready to build a house. Let's start with a cube:

# brick cube
cube(20, 10, -20, 10, 'brick')

This cube is actually empty inside. Let's dig a hole at the bottom to take a look:

# a piece of 'air' flat_xz
flat_xz(25, 10, -20, 10, 5, 'air')

Building a House

To make a house, we can start with a cube as the house body, then build windows and doors on it.

Make sure you already have functions door, window, cube and other necessary functions defined.

18-07 House body, doors, and windows

Add a door and a window on the back side, then roof and door steps.

Picture from a high view

To take a screenshot from a different angle, you can use the "floating platform" code from Chapter 15.

It's time to plant some trees outside the windows.

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