Application in CodeCraft

list is useful in CodeCraft to store location coordinates

List is useful in CodeCraft to put structures at pre-decided various locations.

Some columns at various x locations

# two ways to loop through a list
x_lst = [3,18, -10, -2, 14, 20]

for item in x_lst:
    column(item, -20, 15, 'dirt')

for i in range(len(x_lst)):
    column(x_lst[i], -20, 10, 'obsidian')

The above example show that two ways of looping through list do the same thing. The first for loop build some dirt columns of height 15; the second for loop build some obsidian columns of height 10 at the same locations; So you will see the columns have two color.

Some blocks at pre-selected locations

list of lists

Use list to store the point coordinates and the material number: [x,y,z,m]

lst = [ [2,4,-9, 73], [2,2,-9,73], [3,3,-10,76], [4,2,-9,73], [4,4,-9,73] ] 

for i in range(len(lst)):
    block(lst[i][0], lst[i][1], lst[i][2], lst[i][3])

Note: lst is a list consists of 4 number lists, lst[2][0] means the first number(index 0) in the third item (lst[2])


(extra? in Ch.5, complex structures)

(use list of tuples, ) List of tuples representing some selected location coordinates (x,y,z)

4-01-2 Some blocks in the air

# 4-01-2
# us a tuple list to store the locations (x,y,z)
lst = [(2,8,-10),(5,15,-15),(12,3,-20),(16,10, -10)]

# put a bar_z at the first tuple indicated location (2,8,-10)
bar_z(lst[0][0], lst[0][1], lst[0][2], 5, 'dirt')

for i in lst:

We can use list of tuples to store some location coordinates (x,y,z), then build some structures at these selected locations, the above app just put some blocks.

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