Cubes, Colorful Cubes
4-01-3 Hollow cube
(???define functions for cubes, then use above tuple list)
Practice some Gemeotry knowledge, make a brick cube and a hollow cube using the flat and bar functions together with list.
Use list and call flat_xy, flat_yz, flat_xz
to build a brick cube:
# brick cube
for k in[-20, -11]:
flat_xy(20,10,k,10,10, 1)
for j in[10, 19]:
flat_xz(20,j,-20,10,10, 1)
for i in[20, 29]:
flat_yz(i,10,-20,10,10, 1)
Use list and call bar_x, bar_y, bar_z
to build a hollow cube
# Hollow cube, cobblestone
for j in [10,20]:
for k in [-20, -10]:
bar_x(1, j, k, 10, 2)
for i in [1,10]:
for k in [-20, -10]:
bar_y(i, 10, k, 10, 2)
for j in [10,20]:
for i in [1,10]:
bar_z(i, j, -20, 10, 2)
Let's define functions for cube and hollow cube, so we can build these structures anywhere with any material.
One corner is at (x,y,z)
, side length a
, material number m
def cube(x,y,z,a,m):
for k in [z, z+a-1]:
for j in [y, y+a-1]:
for i in [x, x+a-1]:
def hollowCube(x,y,z,a,m):
for j in [y,y+a-1]:
for k in [z, z+a-1]:
bar_x(x, j, k, a, m)
for i in [x,x+a-1]:
for k in [z, z+a-1]:
bar_y(i, y, k, a, m)
for j in [y,y+a-1]:
for i in [x,x+a-1]:
bar_z(i, j, z, a, m)
Let's call to build a black cube and a white hollow cube:
cube(10,10,-20, 5, 27 )
hollowCube(20, 10, -20, 8, 35)
Some colorful cubes and hollow cubes, looping through the material number m
to build cubes with varying color.
# let's see some colorful cubes:
for m in range(66, 77):
cube((m-66)*5, 20,-20, 3, m)
# and some colorful hollowCubes
for m in range(66, 77):
hollowCube(0, (m-66)*5, -20, 3, m)
pic, cubes
Things are getting fancier! (show pics, maybe the code put in last Chapter)