
Let's start with a cube:

# brick cube
cube(20,10,-20,10, 1)

This cube is actually empty inside. If you don't believe it, let's dig a hole on one wall to see:

# a piece of 'air' flat_xz
flat_xz(25, 10, -20, 10,5, 0)

(pic, emptyCube)


To make a house, we can start with a cube as the house body, then build windows and doors on the cube.

Check to make sure we already have functions door, window, cube and all other functions needed.

# house
cube(1,1,-20, 30, 67)       # light blue house

# front door and windows
door(13,9, 50)              # red door
window(3,5,9,16,8, 62)      # blue window
window(20,5,9,16,8, 62)

Add a door and window at the back side, also add a roof

# back door and window
window(3,5,-20, 20,14, 62)

# red roof

(pic, house, 2,3)

We can design door steps for our little house:

# door steps
flat_xz(12,1,9,2,8, 2)
flat_xz(10,0,10, 5, 12, 2)

Let's try using the Photographer's flat and take another screenshot of our little house:

# photographer's flat:
print(game.get_player_position())       # (x:28 y:1 z:43)
flat_xz(28,5,43, 10,5,1)

(pic, house4)

I like my little house, I like to see some trees through the window.

Time to plant some trees.

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