
Since real tree head has changeable width, let's design function tree(x,z,h,w), the center trunk has height h, ground location (x,z), tree head is a little bit smaller than half the height, w is width of tree head on one side.


def tree(x,z,h,w):           # w is width of tree head on one side
    column(x,z,h, 22)

    for i in range(x-w, x+w+1):   
        for k in range(z-w,z+w+1):
            Y_tree_line(i, (int(h/2)+2), k, int(h/2), 8)

tree(40, -10, 15, 3)


Colorful trees

# tc: trunk color, lc: leave color
def treeColor(x,z,h,w, tc, lc):
    column(x,z,h, tc)

    for i in range(x-w, x+w+1):   
        for k in range(z-w,z+w+1):
            Y_tree_line(i, (int(h/2)+2), k, int(h/2), lc)

# build some colorful trees:
treeColor(-0,-5, 20, 5 , 28, 9)
treeColor(15,-5, 20, 5  ,24 ,15)
treeColor( 30,-5, 20, 5 ,23 ,10)

(pic? colorTrees)

We have some trees, are you ready for a forest

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