? A few things / Simple structures
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Apply the bars and flats in CodeCraft
We will demo some applications of the bars and flats, if you'd like to design some other structures that need to call a function previously defined, make sure you have it at the beginning part of the file.
Example 1, use for
This should be easy to understand:
# stairsToSky (cobblestone)
for i in range(0,60,3):
flat_xz(i,i,-10,3,6, 2)
((?? should we put pictures and hide the code??
# Understand nested loops
for j in range(0,10,2):
block(0, j+1, -20, 71)
for j in range(0,10,2):
for i in range (-j, j+1, 2):
block(i-20,j+1,-20, 69)
for j in range(0,10,3):
for i in range (-j, j+1, 3):
for k in range(-j, j+1, 3):
block(i-20,j+1,k+40, 76)
Example 4 Pyramid
for i in range(10):
flat_xz(i,i,-20+i, 20-2*i, 20-2*i, 1)
for i in range(20,30):
for j in range(1,12, 2):
for k in range(-20, -10, 2):
block(i, j, k, 2)
block(i, j+1, k, 3)
Use list
Example 3
List is useful to store some locations. Use lists and call column(x,z,h,m)
and flat_xz(x,y,z,d,w,m)
functions to build:
# shelter
for i in [0,14]:
for k in [-10,-5]:
# book shelf
for i in [0,14]:
for k in [-10,-5]:
for j in range(10, 40,5):
((not edited))
HiLow columns
# HiLow columns(n)
def HiLowColA(n):
for i in range(1, 2*n, 2):
column(i, -20, (2*n-i) , 'red_sandstone')
column((i+2*n), -20, i , 'red_sandstone')
# HiLow columns(n) at starting location m*40
def HiLowColB(n,m):
for i in range(1, 2*n, 2):
column((i+m*40), -15, (2*n-i), 'obsidian')
column((i+2*n+m*40), -15, i , 'obsidian')
# One set will make the same number of columns as HiLowColA(10), we change z location and material to be black obsidian
HiLowColB(10, 1) # One set will make the same number of columns as HiLowColA(10), we change z location and material to be black obsidian
# Now make 3 sets of HiLow columns:
for t in range(3):
# 3-07-3 GoldenGate
def HiLowColC(n,m,z):
for i in range(1, 2*n, 3):
column((i+m*40), z, (2*n-i), 'red_sandstone')
column((i+2*n+m*40), z, i , 'red_sandstone')
for t in range(3):
# Floor board, flat_xz(x,y,z,width,length,material)
flat_xz(1,1, -40, 20, 60,'cobblestone')