Everybody, say "Hello!"

Let's look at some basic Python statements. In the code editor window to the right of this tutorial page, you'll see the following code:

# Lesson 1: print() function
print('Hello, Buzz Coder!')
print('Hello, CodeCraft!')

Click the run button at the top. In the console window below the code editor, you will see this text:

Hello, Buzz Coders!  

Hello, CodeCraft!

print() is one of Python's many built-in functions. By its name, you might think it would send something to a printer, but its job is actually to show data onto the screen. When you write print(), you are calling a function.

Here, the contents in the parentheses are called parameters or arguments. In the second print() function, the empty parentheses mean there are no parameters, so it prints out a blank line.

The parentheses are always required when calling a function in Python, even if there are no parameters.

Now let's write some code. At the end of the file, start a new line, add a print() statement to print out your own name: Hi, my name is ____.

Make sure that you begin your print() statement at the very beginning of the line, without spaces.

Run the program again to see your message. It should look like this:

Hi, my name is Buzz.

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